Alive Solutions Tech Brief • Fall 2017
/Greetings to all Alive Solutions clients:
Now that the fall is here and everyone is getting back to work…so am I. As a result, I feel this is a good time for an update and a few words of wisdom.
Things are always changing in the world of technology, and quickly. So lets chat about some security issues, best practices, and new products:
What is Malware? The short answer is: software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. And while I used to believe that this was of only minor concern to Mac users, evidence to the contrary has resulted in a change of opinion. I am now urging all clients to have malware protection installed. A number of factors have caused this, but mostly it’s due to the increased market share of Apple Computers, tablets and phones. And as the user pool has increased so too has the pool of bad guys targeting malware to Mac users. Our troubles are not nearly as bad as it is for PC users, but it does require some attention and I would advise….action.
Most malware on Mac’s will not cause irreparable harm, but can be a major nuisance. While on-site, I install malware protection from an open source firm called Avast. So far it’s done a fine job, and it’s free. You can take a crack at installing yourself or I’m happy to install during your next scheduled service call. Either way, I feel it’s time to be proactive.
What is a VPN: A VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is a service that allows you to connect to the internet via a server run by a VPN provider. All data traveling between your computer, phone or tablet, and this “VPN server” is securely encrypted. As a result of this setup, VPNs: Provide privacy by hiding your internet activity from your ISP (and government), Allow you to evade censorship (by school, work, your ISP, or government), Allow you to “geo-spoof” your location in order to access services unfairly denied to you based on your geographical location (or when you are on holiday), and protect you against hackers when using a public WiFi hotspot and allows peer to peer download in safety.
The internet is getting more and more nosey. There’s considerably more spying going on not just from hackers but service providers like Verizon and AT&T. They want to know your shopping habits so they can target you with services. It’s a type of gorilla marketing that I dislike and so I block these providers by having my internet whereabouts shrouded in a VPN. This service is offered by numerous companies like Avast, Tiger and PIA. The rates vary as does the quality of service. But I’ve found a VPN provides the anonymity I prefer when on the net. Please feel free to contact us if you’d like to investigate this service further.
OSX High Sierra & iOS 11
Apple’s new operating systems for the Mac, iPhone & iPad are coming this month. Whereas a great deal of the new features are under the hood, here’s some highlights (courtesy of MacWord and Macrumors):
OSX High Sierra for Mac
For Those Using 32 bit software: 32bit software is going the way of the dinosaur, but if you still have some, and plan to continue using it, you’ll want to read this: Any version of Microsoft Office released prior to 2016 will not work in the next version of OS X. OS X High Sierra is the version, that among other things will help you prepare for 64bit. The following link explains how to find out which of your apps is 32bit.
For more details:
iOS 11 for Tablets and Phones
Apple today held its annual September iPhone-centric event, and this year's keynote saw the debut of some of the most impressive devices we've seen from the company in years.
It took Apple two hours to introduce the iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Apple Watch Series 3 and 4K Apple TV, but has recapped the entire event in just over five minutes for those of you who would like to get a quick overview of all the announcements.
See this link:
I suggest clients arrange a check-up of their computers at least once a year, same as you would for yourself. Computers don’t run by themselves indefinitely. Systems become corrupt, software outdated, directories fragmented, and backup’s fail. It’s important to make sure things are running smoothly. If you agree, please contact us to arrange a visit.
Enjoy the fall,
David Rosenberg
Alive Solutions-Apple Consultants