• We believe that Apple offers a superior experience on all devices. We only represent what we believe to be the best. 

• We give honest advice. We won’t sell you something your don’t need. If we think you’re better off calling Apple, we’ll tell you. If the job can be done more cheaply, we’ll tell you that too. You greatest ally is knowledge, and we provide information first, so you know how best to proceed based on your needs and budget. 

• We don’t hire kids under the guise of our certifications. If you contract an Apple Certified Professional, that’s who you get. 

• We work remotely and on-site. Screen sharing is the new norm and we utilize this technology to control your computer remotely. With your approval via ID and password authentication, we are able to complete 75% of tasks that used to require on-site support. Of course, there are situations that still require an in-person “house call”. We travel throughout Manhattan to provide whatever services are required.



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